Installing HomeAssistant from Zero
I will document the process of installing HomeAssistant Raspberry Pi from the zero
Burn Raspbian Lite OS on the SD Card
Create “ssh” empty file on boot partition to be able to access ssh
- Connect to Raspberry and change host name and password
sudo nano /etc/hosts sudo nano /etc/hostname passwd
Reboot and connect again
- Run main configuration - set location, time zone, etc
sudo raspi-config sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade
Install Docker - following this guide
Install Home Assistant - following official guide platform install docker compose also explained here
Run Home Assistant with Docker Compose (actually not sure if step with Mosquitto MQTT needed)
Configure Access Point WLAN - following my guide
Install Mosquitto MQTT and configure password- following this guide
- Configure Samba following this guide
After that system should be ready to run!
Add the optional scripts you like
Other Guides that were useful
Backup was solve in another way with a script - to be versioned
Another interesting article about the topic