Creating a weekly Backup Raspberry Pi - Homeassistant
Mounting net drives, creating backups is always a recurring topic I treat different in my different machines.
I will try to explain the approach I took with my Homeassistant Files which are installed in a Raspberry Pi.
I will create a bash script which will be executed with a cronjob every week to backup the important directories of the raspberry pi with rsync
Let’s start!
First of all I created a file with the credentials of my network drive on /root/
sudo nano /root/.networkdrivecredentials
and I make the file only accessible for root
sudo chmod 700 /root/.networkdrivecredentials
After that I check that the mounting of the drive with the credentials work
sudo mkdir /media/NETWORK-DRIVE
sudo mount.cifs //IP-NETWORK-DRIVE/MyFolder /media/NETWORK-DRIVE -o credentials=/root/.networkdrivecredentials
It worked! Now the Script works more or less like this
- Check if the Network drive is mounted, if not mount it
- Rsync the needed directories
- Unmount the network drive
if [ -d "/media/NETWORK-DRIVE/MyFolder" ]; then
# Control will enter here if $DIRECTORY exists.
echo "Drive mounted!"
echo "Not Mounted"
mount.cifs //IP-NETWORK-DRIVE/MyFolder /media/NETWORK-DRIVE -o credentials=/root/.networkdrivecredentials
rsync -avzh /home/MyFolder/ /media/NETWORK-DRIVE/
sudo umount /media/NETWORK-DRIVE